AV ASMO is a patented non steroidal formula that provides long term relief. It is safe to use. It maintains healthy lungs without a dose dependent effect. Can be use by smokers & asthmatics as well as children above the age of 6.
AV ASMO has a bronchodilatory effect, is an efficient antihistamine. is a non steroidal anti-inflammatory. By reducing inflammation in the airways and regulating the secretion of mucus it helps reduce the incidence of asthma attacks and makes breathing easier. Being a natural product it has no side effects and promotes the normalization of immunological response leading to an eventual cure in the long term. Clinical studies have prove that it promotes anti-inflammatory cytokines and inhbits pro-inflammatory cytokines.
- In smokers cough
- Helps to protect and improve smooth muscles tissue in lungs
- Helps in preventing coughs
- For asthmatics
- Controlling antigen response and reducing histamine release.